We now offer a pick your own service straight from our plantation. Nothing better than you and your family being able to share the experience of choosing from many hundreds of superb christmas trees in idylic surroundings. Once you have chosen your tree our expert staff will cut the tree for you and transport it to your car after being netted.
This is the best way of ensuring your tree is fresh and having fun choosing the tree as a family.
We also have a selection of NORTH AMERICAN LODGE POLE PINES 6ft - 7ft; only £45.00. See our front page for pictures.
This new pick your own service will be available from Saturday 25th November to Monday 18th December 2022. From 9.15am - 4pm. Retail sales only.
To approach the farm drive to the very bottom of Manor Road and when you run out of tarmac turn left onto a single track lane and head for the wooden gate. There is a tarmacced area beyond the gate for parking. If you get lost ring Julian on 07582 836557